Wednesday, 22 November 2017

De addiction centre in Madurai

Aathmik hospital is leading alcohol rehabilitation centre which holds various treatment therapies and counselling programs.

Aathmik hospital encompasses various psychiatric counselling programs and treatment methods for alcohol/drug de-addiction.

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Should You Take the Help of a De Addiction Centre?

                                      Getting addicted to alcohol and drug has become as common problems faced by youths these days. Recovering from addiction is quite difficult but with the help of de addiction centers the individuals involved can change their lives. Fortunately de addiction centers are providing rehabilitation programs to build a new lifestyle. Addiction should not be taken lightly. The addicted must seek the help of de addiction centers to recover completely.

Why de addiction center is important for recovery?

There may be several circumstances that these days individuals face with daily life that makes them addicted with alcohol/drug addiction. When this becomes regular, they tend to develop a dependency resulting in addiction.

De addiction centers use a combination of methods to focus on restoring patients’ life from addiction. Whether it is physical or mental disorder, seeking support from de addiction center is important to improve one’s medical and mental health.

When the persons try to come out from addiction he may experience anxiety and other negative feelings. Treatments and periodic follow ups provided by the de addiction center helps them to face these challenges. By undergoing these treatments the person will be able to overcome the feelings of guilt and resentment. This will enable them to prepare for a brighter life ahead.

Role of de addiction center in recovery from addiction

De addiction centers offer different treatment programs based on the seriousness of individuals. Customized de addiction programs will be considered for volatile behavior of the addicted.

De addiction centers will treat the addicted with right diet required for the persons at regular individuals. The slow and steady treating will help them to combat withdrawal symptoms of addiction. Trained professionals of de addiction centers will coordinate with the patients and make them comfort emotionally and enable them to cope with the discomfort.

After the recovery treatment from de addiction centers the addicted will be provided with the ability to face the challenges of the world in a new way. Periodic follow ups by the de addiction centers make the patients enable to cope up with anxiety they feel after getting recovered from addiction. A variety of compensatory techniques will be provided to the persons to promote recovery and help their daily living tasks. 

Counseling and social services will be provided to address emotional needs of addicted. During this, individuals will be involved in interactive sessions for additional support. Family Counseling is also considered as an important aspect in the patient's recovery program.

De addiction centers play a major role in providing the individuals an opportunity to recover from addiction and make their lives into a better one. With the benefits of managing physical, mental disorders, they will also realize that alcohol drinking and drug consumption is not good for their life. If you or your loved one is facing addiction, obtaining support from de addiction center is the best way to combat over the addiction and regain the control of their lives.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

How can psychiatrists help with depression?

While every one of us can be upset or sad at any point in our life, when these feelings exist for prolonged time affecting the daily function, it leads to depression. Depression is a mental health condition marked by overwhelming sadness, feeling isolated and desperate. When left without treating such condition may significantly interfere with individual’s daily life and may prompt thoughts of suicide.

But the encouraging news is depression is treatable. A best psychiatrist can treat the affected with a variety of treatments to help with depression. And also the psychiatrist will provide the information on how the individual can help himself to get from depression.

Symptoms of depression:

·        Loss of interest in daily activities
·        Trouble in sleeping
·        Change in appetite or weight changes
·        Reckless behavior
·        Loss of energy and tiredness
·        Feelings of hopelessness and not able to make decisions
·        Physical symptoms like unexplained aches and pains
·        Persistent sadness and anxious
·        Difficulty in concentrating

If you notice any of the above symptoms of depression with yourself or your loved ones, then reach out and get help with psychiatrist.

Recovery from depression with psychiatrist

Recovery is a unique process based on the individual. There are a range of effective treatments offered by the psychiatrist in the road to recovery. He will help with the depressed person by finding the right treatment that works for him/her.
Before starting the treatment, psychiatrist will conduct a thorough diagnosis to identify symptoms, history of patient to arrive for a plan of course of action to identify the appropriate treatment.
Therapies commonly used by psychiatrists to treat depression
Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
IPT is a therapy focused on interpersonal issues of psychiatric disorders. This treatment usually begins with the interview of affected person by the psychiatrist. Psychiatrist will attempt to find the events in their life which has led to depression. The immediate effects expected from treatment are rapid symptom reduction and improved social adjustment. The long terms effects can be expected are the ability to make the people to make their own needed adjustments and better ability to cope with depressive symptoms.

Behavior therapy

In behavioral therapy, psychiatrist aims to reinforce desirable behaviors and eradicate unwanted or maladaptive ones. He focuses on encouraging activities that will pleasant or satisfy helping to overcome the activities that make depression worse.

Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

This therapy used by psychiatrist combines meditation, exercises with mindfulness strategies to make the individuals for better understanding and managing their thoughts and emotions for getting relief from stress. This therapy is useful especially for people who seek treatment for mental health concerns.

When people are depressed, they may feel there is nothing left. But there are many effective treatments offered by psychiatrists to lift and stabilize your mood and emotions. When you approach the psychiatrist at the right time you will be able to deal with warning signs earlier and more effectively. A best professional psychiatrist can help you to tackle your depressive illness and achieve positive mental being.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Psychiatrist counseling is The Best Solution for Drug addiction Problems

Drug or alcohol addiction creates huge negative impact for both - individuals and also for the society. The World Health Organization says that the people who consume drugs/alcohol will undergo these two problems.

1. They become addicts for the substance and go to any extend to consume it.

2. The substances will make the addicts go out of control and affect them psychologically.

Though there are different types of de-addiction treatment, it all goes well only with psychiatrist counselling.

Aathmik hospital, one of the best de-addiction center located in Madurai says that drug addiction requires counseling as well as treatments to make a person to stay away from addiction. Getting treated in good, licensed rehabilitation hospital, the addicts feel safe and relaxed. They also get many rehabilitation facilities like supporting environment, friendly staffs, best psychiatrist counselling that aids for quick recovery.

Well, we can know look into the treatment counseling procedures that the best psychiatrist provide for the patients.

o   There are various types of counseling programs including individual counseling therapy, group counseling, family counseling and much more. However it is upto the therapist who will choose the counseling method that best suits for the patient.

It is because, some addicts will feel motivated when they attend group therapies, as many people talk about the addiction problem and what social problems they faced due to addiction. By hearing all these, there are chances for other addicts to retrieve from the unhealthy habit.

o   The bestpsychiatrist will always prefer giving behavioral therapy for addicts. The behavioral counseling program consists of approaches which aids the addicts to walk away from drug/alcohol addiction. There, in this therapeutically program, doctors give education about the bad effects of addiction and how it brings adverse effects when it gets relapsed. Hence the addiction relapse rate is low among the addicts.

o   The fundamental things that are necessary for patients to get rid of drugs and alcohol are - motivation, building their self-esteem, health, diverting their concentration to something useful, providing tips to change their lifestyle. All these are given by therapist inside the rehabilitation center.

o   Mostly, psychiatrist conduct motivational classes through which patients get clear picture of what is happening due to addiction and stay positive to be away from that substances. Secondly, family therapy plays a vital role in curing addiction - says one of the best rehab psychiatrist in the industry.

Family members convey their sorrows and how they got neglected in the society by being the loved once of addicts. Sometimes, family members also convince the addicts to walk on the road of recovery.

Key Takeaway:

Do you now agree that psychiatrist counseling is the best solution for alcohol and drug addiction problems?

The psychiatrist provides the necessary support system for the addicts to fight the addiction problem. The psychiatrist will understand,

- About the patient’s medical history

- About the addicts behavior & his/her addiction resources.

By knowing these, the therapist will make the addicts to be motivated and stay away from those addiction resources.